Heart ultrasound examinations

The cardiological service of Slavmed Medical Center is equipped with the state of the art medical equipment and provides full ambulatory cardiology services, thus offering patients an opportunity for early detection, diagnosis, treatment as well as primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Examinations of cardiological service are as follows:

heart ultrasound

electrocardiography (ECG)

treadmill stress test

Holter ECG monitoring

arterial pressure monitoring


The indications for heart ultrasound are as follows:

–  (coronary disease) and particularly  heart attack and its complications,

– diagnosis of cardiac valve diseases and heart defect (valvular insufficiency, stenosis),

– early detection of cardiac insufficiency and assessment of systolic and diastolic function of heart,

– assessment of heart size and functionality in case of heart diseases or other disorders


The indications for ECG are as follows:

– diagnosis and early detection of сardiac rhythm and heartbeat disorder,

– diagnosis of coronary diseases (ischemic heart diseases including heart attack),

– diagnosis of heart muscle enlargement (hypertrophy) and thickening of ventricles

The indications for Holter ECG monitoring are as follows:

– diagnosis and early detection of сardiac rhythm and heartbeat disorder,

– diagnosis of coronary disease (ischemic heart diseases including heart attack)

– diagnosis of enlargement of heart muscle (hypertrophy) and thickening of ventricles

The indications for treadmill stress test are as follows:

-patients with symptoms or complaints for coronary vessels diseases,

-patients with risk factors for coronary vessels diseases,

-assessment of patient’s resistance to physical activity, when the patient is experiencing an unexplainable weakness or lack of air,

-assessment of blood pressure response in patients with border arterial hypertension;

-assessment of heart rhythm and beat disorders resulting under exercise conditions

The indications for arterial pressure monitoring are as follows:

-according to international guidelines, every person with a blood pressure level of >140/90 mmHg, should remain under regular arterial pressure monitoring

– resistant to treatment or insufficiently controlled hypertension cases

-the “resistance” of the organism towards the prescribed high blood pressure medication

-cases of increase in arterial pressure or hypertonia across pregnancy,

– diseases that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases or complications, diabetes, brain blood circulation disorders, kidney diseases, etc.

-elderly patients with systolic hypertonia

-suspected white-coat hypertension or postural hypotony

For additional information please contact our administrators directly via phone number or e-mail address provided below:

 Phone: +374 (10) 322211 (open 24/7)       
