Name price
Clinical examinations of blood
General blood test with differential (including ESR) 3,000
General blood test with differential (without ESR) 2,500
General blood test without differential (including ESR) 1,500
ESR 1,000
Blood reticulocytes 2,000
Clinical examinations of biomaterial
Simple urine test-The microscopy of an urocheras 2,500
Albuminuria 500
Amylase in urine /diastasis/ 1,800
Vaginal dry/wet mount test 3,000
Examine dry/wet mount for sperm 3,000
Spermogram 5,000
Sperm-compatibility test 2,000
Test on amniotic fluid presence 1,500
Demodicosis test 4,000
Fungal test 4,000
Fungal test- in case of diagnosing 2 6,000
Fecal occult blood test 2,000
Fluids tests (ascitic, pleural, synovial, cerebrospinal) 2,500
Isosexual tests
Blood group and Rh factor test 2,000
Anti-Rh antibodies titer test 1,500
compatibility between the patient’s and the donor’s blood 2,000
Sexually Transmitted Infections Tests
High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein 5,000
C-reactive Protein 2,000
Rheumatoid factor 3,000
Antistreptolysin 3,000
Syphilis 2,000
Cytologic analysis
Cytologic analysis of uterine cervix 7,000
Oncocytology (endoscopic samplings, puncturing, scrapings, Uterine Aspiration) 7,000
Intraoperative cytologic analysis 10,000
Biochemical analysis
Total protein 1,200
Albumen 1,200
Total bilirubin (newborns) 2,000
Total bilirubin 1,200
Bilirubin (with fractions) 2,400
Glucose 1,000
Excess glucose test 2,500
Urea 1,200
Creatinine 1,200
Uric acid 2,000
Total amylase 1,800
Pancreatic amylase 2,000
Alanine aminotransferase 1,500
Aspartate transaminase 1,500
Gamma glutamyltransferase 1,700
Alkaline phosphatase 1,800
Lactate dehydrogenase 1,500
Lipase  2,500
Creatinine kinase 3,000
Creatinine kinase MB 4,000
Metabolism of fats (CHOL+HDL+LDL+TG-GPO+IA) 6,300
Cholesterol Fractions 4,500
Total cholesterol 1,500
Triglycerids 1,800
High-density lipoprotein 1,800
Low-density lipoprotein 1,800
Calcium total 1,500
Ionized calcium 1,500
Potassium 1,500
Sodium 1,500
Total magnesium 1,500
Inorganic phosphorus 1,500
Ferrum 1,800
Ferritin 6,000
blood clotting by Sukharev 500
Prothrombin time /index, INR/ 2,000
Partially Type-Tested Assembly /activated partial thromboplastin time/ 2,000
Fibrinogen 2,000
The thrombin time 2,000
D-Dimer 8,000
Homocysteine 15,000
Lupus anticoagulant 6,000
C-peptide 7,000
Insulin 6,500
Proinsulin 7,000
Glycated haemoglobin 5,500
HIV antibodies and antigen 7,000
Hepatitis B 6,000
Hepatitis B core antibodies 10,000
Antibodies against the hepatitis C virus 7,500
Cytomegalovirus antibodies IgM 6,000
Cytomegalovirus antibodies IgG 6,000
Cytomegalovirus Antibody, IgG Avidity 15,000
Toxoplasma antibodies IgM 7,500
Toxoplasma antibodies IgG 7,500
Toxoplasma antibodies IgG Avidity 15,000
Rubella IgM 7,000
Rubella IgG 7,000
Chlamydia IgG / IgM 6,000
Ureaplasma urealyticum IgG / IgM 6,000
Syphilis Treponema Palladium (TPA) IgG/IgM 6,000
Syphilis 4,000
Brucellosis Qualitative/Rose-Bengal/ 2,000
IgM class antibodies against Herpes simplex virus Type 1+2 6,000
Ig G class antibodies against Herpes simplex virus Type 1+2 6,000
Varicella-zoster virus antibodies IgM 6,000
Varicella-zoster virus antibodies IgG 6,000
Echinococcos IgG 6,000
Ascaris lumb. antibodies IgG 6,000
Giardia IgM, IgA, IgG 6,000
Immune status
Immunoglobulin E 6,000
Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide antibody 10,000
Thyroid hormones
Thyrotropine 5,000
Triiodothyronine 5,000
Triiodothyronine free 5,000
Thyroxin 5,000
Thyroxin free 5,000
Antibodies against thyroglobulin 6,500
Antibodies against thyroperoxidase 6,500
Thyroglobulin 8,000
Antibodies against thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor 12,000
Calcitonin 12,000
Parathyroid 8,000
Hormones of reproductive system
Prolactin 6,000
A luteinizing hormone 6,000
A follicle-stimulating hormoneն 6,000
Progesteron 6,000
17-OH Progesteron 6,000
Estradiol E2 6,000
Dehydroepiandrosterone 6,000
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 6,000
Testosterone 6,000
Testosterone free 6,000
Sex hormone binding globulin 7,000
Somatotropic Hormone 8,000
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 7,000
Anti-Mullerian Hormone 10,000
Pregnancy control
Alpha-fetoprotein 7,000
Chorionic gonadotropin 6,000
Free βCG 10,000
PAPP-A 10,000
Inhibin A 8,000
Free Estriol E3 7,500
Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone 6,000
Alpha-fetoprotein 7,000
Prostate-specific antigen 6,000
Prostate-specific antigen (free) 7,000
Cancer antigen 125 (ovarian oncomarker) 10,000
HE-4 (tumor marker for ovarian cancer) 10,000
Carcinoembryonic antigen 6,000
Cancer antigen CA 15-3 ( tumor marker in breast cancer) 10,000
Cancer antigen CA 19-9 (tumor marker in pancreatic cancer) 10,000
Cancer antigen CA-242 (tumour marker for pancreatic cancer, large and small bowels) 10,000
Vitamin B12 7,500
Folic acid B9 7,500
25(OH) vitamin D3 12,000
Bone markers
T-P1NP 12,000
β-CROSS LAPS 10,000
Food Panel 38,000
Inhalants Panel 38,000
Pediatric Panel 38,000
Specific immunoglobulins
Cyprofloxacin 12,000
Amoxicillin 12,000
Acetylsalicilic acid 12,000
Procaine 12,000
Bupivacaine 12,000
Articainum 12,000
Cephalosporins 12,000
Quantitation of Hepatitis B virus 50,000
Hepatitis C qualitative test 10,000
Hepatitis B qualitative test 6,000
Immunogenetics – interleukin IL 28B 20,000
Ureaplasma parvum and U. urealyticum 6,000
Chlamydia trachomatis 6,000
Mycoplasma genitalium 6,000
Mycoplasma hominis 6,000
Trichomonas vaginalis 6,000
Gardnerella vaginalis 6,000
Neisseria gonorrheae 6,000
Herpes simplex 1/2 6,000
Epstein-Barr virus 6,000
Cytomegalovirus 6,000
Candida albicans 6,000
Toxoplasma gondii 7,000
Femoflor Screen (biocenosis+infections) 25,000
Androflor Screen (biocenosis+infections) 25,000
Human papillomavirus quantitative detection (6,11,16, 18) 10,000
Human papillomavirus high carcinogen types (16, 31, 35) (18, 39, 45, 59) (33, 52, 58) 10,000
Genetic Disorders՝ AZF Azoospermia Factor locus 35,000
HLAB-27 locus detection 12,000
Thrombophilia (F2, F5) 9,000
Thrombophilia (8 pionts) 25,000
Folate metabolism genetics 12,000
Mycobac.tuberc. Mycobacterium tuberculosis 6,000
Bacterial examinations*
Bacterial examinations of urine 7,000
Bacterial examination of feces 6,000
Bacterial examination of feces on dysbiosis 8,000
Sputum bacterial analysis 8,000
Bacterial examination of swab (nose, pharynx, throat, ear, eye, skin, wound surface) 7,000
Bacterial examination of swab (oral cavity, gums, tongue, skin՝ in the presence of furuncle, punctate, liquor, exudate, synovia) 8,000
Bacterial fungal tests of hair, nails, skin swab (Candida, Aspergillus, Trichophyton) 7,000
Blood sterility (aerobic bacterias, fungus) 9,000
Blood sterility (Obligate anaerobes) 9,000
Infants blood sterility (aerobic bacterias, fungus) 10,000
Examinations of urinogenital swabs, sperm 8,000
Quantitation of M.hominis, U. Urealiticum in urinogenital swabs, sperm – sensitivity determination against 9 Antibiotics 13,000