What a woman should know from the start of her pregnancy up to the postnatal period

What a woman should know from the start of her pregnancy up to the postnatal period, – Slavmed MC’s obstetrician-gynecologist Karen Baghdasaryan tells the Health Care System periodical.

How does the relationship begin between the pregnant woman and Slavmed MC?

The pregnant woman is registered at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy after recording a fetal heartbeat. From that moment she is under the supervision of a gynecologist. It is recommended to take folic acid, vitamin B9 for growth and development of the fetus. In case of uterine hypertonus appropriate measures are taken to ease the tension. Then, standard blood, urine, and smear tests are performed. If no issues are detected, it is so much for the initial period. If detected, additional examinations and appropriate treatment are being referred. A pregnant woman with any complications, any pathology can apply to us from the first days of pregnancy to the delivery and postpartum period. We also register pregnant women with extra genital pathologies in cooperation with relevant specialists.

The first trimester of pregnancy is especially complicated and unusual. What are the common complaints of women?

The main complaints are morning sickness, which is typical for pregnancy, vomiting, some frequency of which, up to 6 times a day, passes for normal. Of course, it is inconvenience, and there are also instructions to avoid it. There are cases when we hospitalize a woman because of this and she gets relevant treatment. In the first trimester of pregnancy, there may be faints associated with pressure decrease. In most cases this is not a signal of a serious problem.

The cause of worry can be pain in the lower abdomen and blood-tinged vaginal discharge. In that case a comprehensive examination and special control should be referred.

-How does woman’s emotional state affect her pregnancy?

– Generally there are risk factors in all pregnant women. The process happens in different ways depending on the resistance and the nervous system condition. The more sensitive the woman is by nature, the more complicated the pregnancy goes for her. The same nausea and faint can have different reactions in two different women. Usually women with problems during pregnancy are more likely to be worried, they experience strain and more often call and visit a doctor.

-What should a woman do and what should she avoid during pregnancy?

–The most important thing for a pregnant woman is peace of mind and confidence in the doctor. I also advise not to pay much attention to information on the Internet, and first and foremost reach out the doctor with any issues. Woman should live a normal daily routine, diet, work and remember that pregnancy is a normal physiological process and there is no need to worry.

Physical activity in pregnancy is not only desirable but also mandatory. Of course, if the woman was engaged in professional sports before pregnancy, then it should be discontinued. But gymnastics and mild exercises, aerobics, fitness are very useful.

– So, the point of delivery comes. In what cases is the C-section recommended?

-There are cases of abnormal position of the fetus, pelvic or transverse presentation. In case of transverse presentation the C-section is definitely required. In case of pelvic presentation both vaginal and C-section deliveries are possible, but over recent years it has also been considered as an indication to ‘;C-section in order to avoid fetal trauma, especially among primiparas.
One of the indications for C-section is the dislocation of placenta. Extra genital problems may become indications as well, e.g. vision problems (in this case C–section is recommended by ophthalmologist). There are cases when indications for emergency C-section occur during vaginal delivery. Such cases include the decrease of fetal heart rate, anatomically contracted pelvis. Unfavorable cervix as well as in vitro fertilization is also indication for C-section. However we had a case when a pregnant woman delivered her IVF twins vaginally.

-Let’s talk about mothers’ school

– It is very important to prepare a woman for the coming events and for the experience of becoming a mother, especially if she is expecting her first child.

Each stage of pregnancy has its issues that require answers. It’s incorrect to talk about the labor from the very beginning of pregnancy.

That’s why we have a specially designed program on what issues to talk about to pregnant women at a certain stage of pregnancy. During the first weeks of pregnancy it is important to talk about what physiological process pregnancy is, what kind of changes are occurring in different organ systems, what to do and what to avoid during the first trimester.

We explain the pregnant women that signs like a drop in blood pressure, heart palpitations, oxygen deprivation and weight gain are normal phenomena.

In the next lesson we inform about a fetal movement. When and how often throughout the day a woman should feel and register a movement. Very often the pregnant women are concerned about baby’s movements, especially at late terms or vice versa, the movement is too hyperactive. One thinks that she must constantly feel the movement, and the other thinks it is normal to feel it just for a few days.

Finally, we are preparing them for the births. This is very important, because as the woman is prepared for the births, so the birthing process is usually maintained. Here, the correct psychological preparation is of utmost importance.

We have formal 4-5 lessons, but every visit to the doctor is like a little practice. That is to say, every gynecologist provides psychological support, even is aware about family problems, and if any he/she tries to help.

How is the patient’s comfort ensured?

–Slavmed MC is one of the best clinics in our country, equipped with all necessary facilities with appropriate specialists admitting patients. We have a psychologist dealing with specific pregnant women, showing a unique approach. Not only the physician’s but also nursing staff’s attitude towards patient is of crucial importance, as the doctor can visit the patient 3-4 times a day, while the nurse is almost always next to her. And her smiling, kindhearted attitude is important to the patient. There are cases when women stay in our Center for months, for example, in case of premature delivery or if there are some issues. For that to happen, everything necessary is provided, so that in terms of comfort, the patient feels almost as good as at home. Television, internet, personal care items as well as an alternative of mother-infant bed sharing on the postnatal ward and the presence of caregivers. The beds in our Center are functional, i.e. the transfer is done without any discomfort, and if there is any compulsory position, it is also ensured by just regulating the bed.

Before being discharged from the hospital, we will definitely perform ultrasound to ensure that there are no postpartum complications. It is important for us to know that our patients leave Slavmed MC in the best possible health condition.