A historically high growth of patients’ number has been registered

In a short span of time the number of patients applying for nasal septum correction and rhinoplasty at a special price has registered a historically high growth in “Slavmed” Medical Center. The Center’s plastic surgeon and microsurgeon Kim Khodikyan in a conversation with Blognews.am explained that breathing disorders can cause many diseases, the most common of which is the deviated nasal septum.

“The nasal septum carries out the proportionate flow of oxygen needed for the natural work of the body. People who have a problem with nasal septum often have difficulty with breathing chest full, often experience fatigue and weakness, headaches, and from time to time suffocating feeling as well. The reason is that heavy breathing finally deteriorates the natural blood inflow to organ-systems resulting in hypoxia. This is a problem that is a serious threat to the respiratory system. People with nasal septum problems hardly bear catarrh and genyantritis as various bacteria are located in air cells and in the result of freely activity over the months people can not get rid of catarrh that bothers them. For this reason, the presence of deviated nasal septum requires a complex approach, which is the surgical treatment. Taking into account the seriousness and prevalence of the problem, at “Slavmed” Medical Center it was decided to perform deviated nose septum correction in combination with plastic surgery that is rhinoplasty at the cost of one surgery.  The center also provides an opportunity for credit payment to those ones who do not have health insurance or are not the beneficiaries of the social package.

” The surgeon also mentioned that in a short span of time the number of patients applying for nasal septum correction and rhinoplasty at a special price has registered a historically high growth in “Slavmed” Medical Center, which is yet more proof of the issue’s prevalence. Within a short period of time, more than 500 patients have applied to “Slavmed” Medical Center in the frame of this campaign, many of whom have already undergone surgery. Unlike other medical centers, “Slavmed” Medical Center has a “single window” principle, and no extra money will be required to pay for treatment. Kim Khodikyan also mentioned that rhinoplasty is performed when bone and cartilage complete development occurs. “The surgery can be performed in males aged >18 and in females >17. Surgery can be performed before this time only on emergency medical indications.”He made a point of the postoperative period, which, according to the surgeon, implies a one-day bed regime, patients are usually discharged from the hospital the next day. “The bandage is finally removed eight- ten days later after surgery, and the bruises are very relative. The patient may experience them for 7-9 days.  The postoperative period lasts for two weeks, during which it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions, as well as avoid wearing glasses, UV rays and so on. “According to the surgeon, people aged 18-40 apply for rhinoplasty. He also mentions that in recent years, the number of male patients has increased. “If about eight years ago men were applying to a plastic surgeon mostly with nasal septum issues, now they applying for undergoing rhinoplasty as well.»When asked whether there is a special nose shape that is more common among visitors, Dr. Khodikyan replied: “Of course, there are visitors who come to the center with their choice already made, but with the help of computerized modeling, we choose the option that will be suitable for the patient’s face proportions.”

Reminder that a special discount auction announced by “Slavmed” Medical Center for combined nasal septum correction and rhinoplasty at a fixed price of 250.000 AMD, still remains open.